I'm back to the ScuabMag site after a month away, so this isn't much really in the way of "Hi I'm New" but instead, "Honey, I'm Home"!

So I've just been sooo busy this month... I was in New York on business and ended up attending the BTS show all three days at the end of March. Part of the reason I went was that I'll be on Bonaire for a week in May teaching (yay! I get to dive a new place and I also make some money!), and I spent some time hanging out with the club I'm going to be staffing for to get to know folks a bit.

I got back to Thailand just in time for our annual Thai New Year celebration, Songkran (a 5-day "weekend"), during time which I went down to stay on Koh Lanta in Krabi province to dive Hin Daeng and check things out. Saw mantas! When I came back to Phuket there were not only students and fun divers to accommodate, but all the work that had piled up while I was away for over two weeks, as well as preparations for the next trip--another month away from the office.

Whew! Today I'm not diving, and my next client comes tomorrow afternoon, so I "get to have" a couple of days in the office, with little breaks to do things like ScubaMag!

GREETINGS from Phuket,